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Sunday, October 7, 2018

How to Install AdSense Ad on Download Site without Affected Banned

This is How to Install AdSense Ads on Illegal Content Download Sites, Without Worrying of Banned. How to Install AdSense Ad on Download Site without Affected Banned

This is How to Install AdSense Ads on Illegal Content Download Sites, Without Worrying of Banned

AdSense is the most popular monetize platform in the world. This special publisher platform owned by Google Inc. is indeed the best at this time.

Besides having many advertisers, the commission of each click (CPC) ad is also quite large. However, this is influenced by several factors such as website category, ad type, size and country of origin of visitors.

Besides that AdSense also offers CPM advertising commissions which are also quite high. AdSense also has many ad formats for publishers, ranging from Banner to Native that can be customized by the publisher.

But it seems you have to be very careful if you become a Google AdSense Publisher, because there are so many rules made by Google.

Because of the many rules, many publishers are banned because they violate the rules. Examples of the most basic rules are not to place advertisements carelessly.

You cannot install AdSense ads in elements that have a Sticky or Fixed position. Though, CTR for ads in Sticky and Fixed positions is quite large.

In addition, you may not place ads in positions that are 'deceptive'. For example, placing an ad near the feared download button will confuse visitors.

But, there are rules that are most difficult for blogger, namely about the web content itself. Many policies prohibit advertisements from being displayed on content that actually has many visitors.

Google does not allow AdSense ads to be placed on blogs with Illegal Download Content (Films, Software, Songs, and other copyrighted works) and Sexual Content. In fact, the contents are a lucrative business for beginners Blogger.

This is natural, not only Google prohibits publishing copyrighted content without permission, even the State Law also prohibits it.

So, is there a solution to keep earning income from AdSense Ads, even if you only have an Illegal Download Website? I will explain.

The answer is no, if you place ads directly in the download blog content. However, you can still outsmart it by using Google Custom Search Engine (Google CSE) that you place on Illegal Download Websites.

What is Google CSE?

Google CSE is a web application that allows visitors to search the content of a website that has been indexed by Google.

Google CSE has a way of working that is almost the same as your default web Search Engine. But what makes a difference, it's possible that some of your web content cannot be found by visitors on Google CSE.

This happens if the content has not been indexed by Google, especially for new content that usually takes time to be indexed on Google. But, there are opportunities that many AdSense publishers don't know about Google Custom Search.

You can monetize Google CSE with AdSense Ad

This is an opportunity that can be used by Publisher who has a Blog containing Illegal content. Because, AdSense ad will be displayed on the Google CSE interface, not on the Download Website.

So, when a visitor searches for content using the Google CSE search form that you place on the web, the ad will appear on the Google CSE interface. Ad will usually appear according to the keywords that are searched by visitors, followed by the Search Results of that content.

This solution has been implemented by many illegal download sites, I take the example of, the largest illegal download blog in Indonesia.

If a visitor clicks on an ad on Google CSE, then you will be paid. Interesting right?

This is an interesting solution that you can use if you cannot place AdSense ad directly on the illegal content download site that you have.

But keep in mind that, maybe ads won't always appear. Usually the ad will appear in accordance with the keywords you are looking for, if an ad is available it will be displayed.

You need to know, performance of ad clicks on Google CSE will not be directly visible on the AdSense dashboard. Income from Google CSE will usually appear on 1-3 every month.

Optimizing Google CSE Work

In order for the search results always appear when visitors search for content, you must optimize the keywords of your content. And utilize Fetch as Google and Sitemap features in Webmaster Tool so that web content is quickly indexed


This alternate solution that I explained is not always the best, but you can try it first.

If you don't get good results, you can still try using other existing monetize platforms, such as Pop Under ad, use Shorten URL, or sell ad slots to advertiser.

There are advantages, of course there are disadvantages. I will try to explain the shortcomings of this solution:

As I explained, visitors will not always see every search result for your relevant content. Because content will appear if it's been indexed on Google.

Advertising will not always appear because it is influenced by the keywords that are searched. So try to create content according to keywords that if it raises ads.

Many illegal download blogs are affected by De-Index (Sansbox), if this is experienced by your blog, this solution cannot be applied. Usually pay is not too big, unlike ads placed directly on the website.

How to Create Google Custom Search

I have made a tutorial on implementing Google CSE on Blogger. But the tutorial is specifically for AMP blogs, please adjust it to your blog. Read carefully, How to Install Google CSE on Blogger

To monetize Google CSE, you required to make Google CSE use a Gmail account that has been approved by Google AdSense. You can monetize by clicking the Ad tab when creating Google CSE.

Good luck :)